While you are waiting for your "HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide" to arrive, click on the link below to download a copy of Dr.Simeons "Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to Obesity" manuscript and read it.

When you are ordering your HCG order MORE than you think you'll need - because the places you order from tell you different #'s of drops to take and if you find yourself hungry at all, up the # of drops or cc's that you are taking as Dr.Simeons' recommends in his manuscript. You shouldn't feel hungry at all! Spring took .8cc's-1.0cc three times per day (about 2.5 ounces per round or one 2oz bottle & one 1oz bottle). Dr.Simeons recommends .5cc's to start with and gradually add .1cc per day until it feels right to you (no more than 1cc). Don't skimp on ounces when buying HCG!

This is a very TIME INTENSIVE diet and expensive at the start up (If you do what Spring did and buy all the books, stevia, George Foreman grill, scales, meats -weigh & freeze in separate bags and Grissini Breadsticks ahead of time - to last 2 months). However, starting the 2nd Round was a breeze because Spring had everything she needed! (Not as expensive or time intensive as Weight Watchers, though).


Save the HCG Diet!

Company Logo
Please send your friends to www.savethehcgdiet.com or forward them this email with the web address so that they too can go and show their support.
If you would like to contact the FDA or FTC to voice your opinion, here are a few phone numbers and addresses:
FDA Info Line
Elizabeth Millerelizabeth.miller@fda.hhs.gov
Pharmacist at the FDA
Watch her video HERE

Ilisa Bernsteinilisa.bernstein@fda.hhs.gov
Acting Director, Office of Compliance
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
10001 New Hampshire Ave
Hillandale Bldg, 4th Fl
Silver Spring, MD 20993

Mary Englemengle@ftc.gov
Associate Director
Division of Advertising Practices
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20580

Thank you!

HCG update from DIY

Hello again. Alright, it's official.Our HCG manufacturer (like pretty much all others) has confirmed that they are no longer producing HCG drops.I know that many customers have already started stockpiling HCG in order to make sure they have themselves set up for the future as our current stock of HCG drops expires in 2016.

And, I do foresee this turning into a "hunt for real HCG drops" until they run out on the Internet or until it becomes absolutely illegal to sell them (which frankly could happen any day).Therefore, I think prices are most likely going to sky rocket in the VERY near future as everyone starts running out of the real HCG drops.

Our past manufacturer (and many other production plants) are going to be producing a "hormone-free" version of the HCG drops, but I don't even really know what that means as HCG is a hormone.

Unless some evidence DRAMATICALLY changes, I will not be carrying this "hormone-free" "HCG" in my business as I do not think that it is effective in weight loss like real HCG drops and I would not want to expose any of my customers to danger. (Furthermore, I would suggest that you really do your research before switching to any formula without HCG in it as you could end up on a 500 calorie diet without the help of HCG -- and that is dangerous.)

So, the HCG we have now is all that we have left.We saw an increase in orders and quantity of bottles ordered last week when the news about the FDA and HCG was first announced and we are prepared for the influx of orders that this e-mail may cause, but I really wanted to make sure you knew exactly how bad it has become and how scarce real HCG drops may be in the VERY near future.

To order from our remaining stock, visit our website or call us at 888-389-0626 Mon - Fri, 7 am - 5 pm CST.

I am so sorry to have to bring you this news as I know how much HCG has helped so many of you.We will still be offering all of the HCG safe products (food, lotion, lip balm, hygiene kits, books, tools, etc.)...just no more HCG once it is gone.

In case I don't e-mail you before then, have a very happy holiday season!

Tiffany Prinster

FDA has banned Homeopathic HCG

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

Dear Customer,

The FDA announced on Dec. 6 that homeopathic HCG will be banned and should no longer be marketed. Of course, we believe that homeopathic HCG and the Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol is both safe and effective, as Pounds and Inches Away has been in business since 2007 and has helped thousands of clients who had given up on other weight loss methods. Many clients have called wondering if they could still purchase the product and the answer is ‘yes’, but for how long, we do not know. I can assure you that many past participants, employees, and family members have acquired a personal stockpile based on past results and the desire to possibly lose weight again in the future. Our current stock expires in the year 2016. As you all know, our business was based on our passion to help people lose weight rather than our passion for any particular product. In our minds, we found only one method in about 35 years that we would like to be a part of, Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol. Consequently, we are exploring other avenues to offer this method to both past and future clients.

A word of caution to those who purchase homeopathic HCG off the internet. Seven companies were issued letters by the FDA demanding that they stop marketing/selling homeopathic HCG. In order to get into compliance, some of these companies have replaced the HCG in their current HCG drops with a ‘new formula’ that has had the HCG eliminated. Following Dr. Simeons’ Protocol without HCG is so drastically different that we cannot comprehend a company simply ‘switching’ formulas. To embark upon a 500 calorie, or even up to 1000 calories, without quality HCG performing the function of releasing abnormal fat is unfathomable. This is being undertaken without years of testing (obviously) and can only be accepted as a substitute for the profit associated with HCG, not for the effect of the one and only HCG. Please consider carefully before switching to any method that does not include HCG as low calorie diets without effective HCG are more likely to enact starvation mode for weight loss, which actually is more likely to negatively effect your metabolism than possibly improve it as Dr. Simeons proposed after 20 years of working with the HCG Diet Protocol.

I’m going to go one step further here and ask you to help us do something about this. Please go to www.savethehcgdiet.com where you can sign a petition that says:

We, the undersigned, call on the FDA to work with experienced, credible HCG diet experts that have had hundreds or thousands of documented HCG weight loss successes since 2007 with the HCG Diet Protocol (including experience with effective homeopathic HCG, HCG injections, and other HCG methods) to test, analyze, and closely document the success or failure of the HCG diet in a fair, unbiased clinical study under the strict guidelines of Dr. Simeons' original manuscript.

If the work shows conclusive evidence of significant weight loss and overall improved health during and after the HCG diet, we request the FDA to consider classifying the HCG diet protocol as an effective weight loss method

Signing this petition will only take a moment, but it will help so many people. Thank you in advance!

Best wishes this holiday season,
Pounds and Inches Away


Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 26-29

Day 26 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1 pound. Menstruation Started. Lunch: Apple, Red Radishes. Dinner: BBQ Tilapia. Took my vitamins. October 5, 2011

Day 27 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1 pound, for a total of 27.6lbs so far. 2nd day of menstruation. Lunch: Hamburger, apple, radishes. Dinner: Steak & apple.

Day 28 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound. 3rd day of menstruation. I have down that I took my HCG & my vitamins, but I either didn't eat anything all day or forgot to write anything down. Regardless, I know I drank Green Tea & Peppermint tea - because I do that all day long everyday on the diet.

Day 29 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG Skip Day
Lost .6 of a pound. No HCG today. Last day of my period. Weight 199.8lbs, 28.6lbs lost. Lunch: Steak, strawberries, 1T milk, juice of lemon, green salad & 0 calorie dressing. Dinner: Chicken, 1/2 grapefruit, cucumber. Saturday, October 8, 2011.

VCLD stands for Very Low Calorie Diet.


Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 16-25 ~ 3.6Lbs lost in 1 day! I'm a Big Cheater!

Looking back over this week I realized I cheated ALOT!!

Day 16 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 3.6 pounds!!! 22.6lbs lost so far. Weight: 205.8lbs. Lunch: Fish-Tilapia. Dinner: Hamburger with Cheese Powder, 1 Tbl Milk. Took HCG at 10:45am & 5:04pm. Sept. 25, 2011.

Cheat: 1 Cupcake.

Day 17 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Steak, 1/2 grapefruit & radishes. Dinner: Hamburger w/Cheese Powder & Celery. Took HCG at 8:16am, 1:47pm, 9pm.  September 26, 2011.

Day 18 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Fish-tilapia. Dinner: Hamburger & Apple. Took HCG at 9:09am, 2pm, 9:10pm. Took Vitamins.

Cheat: 1/2 Cupcake with Cream Cheese Filling

Day 19 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Weight 205.2Lbs. Lunch: chicken & cucumber. Dinner: Hamburger, Strawberries, 1T milk. Took Vitamins. September 28th.

Day 20 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.8 pounds. Lunch: Hamburger w/Cheese Powder, Unsweetened Applesauce. Dinner: 2 hardboiled eggs, Cabbage. Took HCG at 8:06am, 12:50pm & 9:09pm. Took Vitamins.

Cheat: alot of homemade cream cheese filling.

Day 21 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Hamburger, Radishes. Dinner: Hamburger, Unsweetened Applesauce 1c. Took HCG at 8:03am, 3:15pm & 10:05pm. Took Vitamins. September 30, 2011.

Day 22 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG SKIP Day
Lost 1 pound. Weight 202.2Lbs. Forgot & took HCG at 3:30pm. Lunch: Hamburger, Strawberries. Dinner: Fish-Tilapia, Green Salad.

Cheat: Sample day at Costco & 1.5T of Litehouse Bleu Cheese Dressing on my salad. Oct. 1st

Day 23 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. 26.4Lbs total lost. Took HCG at 9:02am & 3:30pm. Lunch: Shrimp, Apple, Green Salad. Dinner: Fish-tilapia. Took vitamins.

CHEATS: 2 cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting, Litehouse Bleu Cheese Dressing & wedge of Laughing Cow creamy swiss.

Day 24 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Gain 1.2Lbs. Too much cheating yesterday! Took HCG at 8am & 1:30pm. Lunch: Steak, Apple, Green Salad. Dinner: Fish-Tilapia. October 3, 2011. 203.2Lbs.

Day 25 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound. 25.6Lbs total pounds lost. Took HCG at 10:32am, 3pm & 9:30pm. Lunch: 1/2 grapefruit. Dinner: Hamburger, Green Lettuce, Some Cake & Frosting. My daughter and I took a cake decorating class the last 4 weeks - had to make lots of frosting & "had" to taste it! 202.8Lbs. October 4, 2011

Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 7-15 ~ Lost 2.6lbs in 1 day!

Day 7 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound for a total of 13lbs so far. Lunch: Grandma Simeons Chicken Soup {pg20: 2c Chicken Bou. Base, 3.5oz Chicken, 3 Stalks Celery}. Blended 1/2 grapefruit added stevia & cinnamon & drank it. Dinner: Beef Cabbage Soup {pg22: 2c Chicken Bou. Base, 3.5oz Beef, 2c Cabbage, 1/8t Sea Salt} & Strawberries & Creme (Strawberries, 1T Milk & stevia). Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic). Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took HCG at 8:45am, 11:40am & 10:10pm. 215.4Lbs on September 16, 2011.

Day 8 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG Skip Day
Lost .8 of a pound. No HCG today (Dr. S recommends skipping HCG one day every 7 days).
Lunch: Chicken Taco Salad (made my own taco seasoning with no sugar) with sugar free 0 cal dressing, Applesauce warm (pureed apple).  Dinner: Fish (Tilapia), 1/2 grapefruit, Cucumber. unsweetened hot cocoa, Smooth Move Tea, Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic).

Day 9 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 2 pounds. For a total of 15.8Lbs. Lunch: Chicken, Strawberries, cucumber. Dinner: Hamburger/Onion Soup. Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic). Took HCG at 6:05am, 3:30pm & 12:30am. Today's Weight 212.6lbs. September 18, 2011.

Day 10 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Gain .2 pounds. I noticed I gain weight if I don't get enough sleep during the night. Weighed at 8:18am 213.4lbs, weighed at 10:39am 212.8lbs. Took my HCG at 8:18am & 1:30pm. Lunch: Fish (Tilapia). Dinner: Steak with Horseradish  sauce, orange & Slaw (Cabbage recipe). Took Vitamins.

Cheated: Had a bid Brownie!

Day 11 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 2.6 pounds! Took HCG at 7:56am & 10ish. Weighed 211.2 at 7:55am and 210.2lbs at 10:03am. Lunch: chicken & celery. Dinner: NOTHING. Took Vitamins. Total lost so far is 18.2lbs. September 20, 2011

Day 12 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 pounds. Cheated had a bite of cake & granola. Took my HCG at 8:56am, 3pm & 8:30pm.
Lunch: Apple. Dinner: Steak.

Day 13 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.0 pound. Took HCG at 7:49am, 1:12pm & 9:46pm. Lunch: Taco Salad (Beef&Lettuce). Dinner: Shrimp, Apple/Strawberry Smoothie. Cheat: bite of cake & sips of kids smoothies. Took my vitamins. September 22nd. 209lbs.

Day 14 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.0 pound. 208lbs, 20.4lbs lost total. It has taken 14 days to lose the weight I gained in August during a stressful 3 weeks (& lots of skittles!). Took my HCG at 8:05am, 2:07pm & 9:03pm. Lunch: Steak, cabbage, melba toast. Dinner: Hamburger/tomato soup, 1/2 grapefruit, melba toast. Took Vitamins.

Day 15 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG SKIP day
GAIN 1.4lbs ~ and I am blaming the Melba Toast! I haven't eaten any during my diet before this... Lunch: Hamburger with Cheese Powder. Dinner: Fish (Tilapia). Bite of Brownies. Took Vitamins. September 24, 2011.


37.2 pounds & 23.25 Inches lost in 2nd Round!

I started the 1st Round of HCG April 15, 2011, and finished May 28th. I Lost 28.4 lbs & 39inches. 2nd Round of HCG started Sept 10, 2011 & finished Oct 31st. 37.2 lbs lost & 23.25 inches.

That's 64.6 lbs & 62.25 total inches lost since April 2011!

My pictures are below until I have time to do a fancy one like the blog picture. I also didn't post very often, but I have everything written down & will post when I have more time.


Round 2 - VLCD - Days 1-6

Today is day 7 for me and I have lost a total of 13 pounds so far. This round is so much easier because I have everything I need. I have all my spices (sugar free), flavored liquid stevia's, stevia packets, pre-measured, packaged & frozen chicken & beef and don't forget "101 Worry - Free HCG Diet Recipe" book! (I am using drops from Pounds and Inches Away)

Some suggestions I have:
     Vary the food you eat daily, try not to eat the same things in one day. Don't eat too many oranges or Tomato's (if you stall, eliminate them for a few days).
     This round I am not eating Melba Toast or Grissini Sticks - I am eliminating them from my diet (per Kevin Trudeau's book suggestion) to see if I can get greater weightloss.
     If I have a sweet craving - I satisfy it by making a cup of unsweetened hot cocoa, I add some flavored stevia drops & milk or I make something from the cookbook (orange julius, flavored carbonated water, strawberries & creme or a pureed apple with stevia, cinnamon & warmed up) or have some hot peppermint tea.
    I make 2 gallons of green tea ahead of time. One I put lemon juice in it and the other peppermint and I put them in the refrigerator, since I get bored with water.

Vitamins I am taking while on the VCLD: Garlic, Echinacea, Flax seed, Vitamin D, Cholaplex & Neurotrophin (per my doctor).

Day 1 - Gorging! Pumpkin Donuts, Trix Cereal, Honeynut cheerios, Eggo cereal, Smorz cereal, cream soda, reeses pieces, Black Angus:Steak, potato, onion ringsx3, Salad, Chocolate cake 5 bites. 8 rolls & butter from Texas Roadhouse, whatchamacallit, mint icecream sandwich, toffee icecream bar. Vitamins.

Day 2 - Gain 1.6lbs. Gorging day 2! Black Angus leftovers & 1/2 the choco cake. Snickers bar, 12 rolls, M&M's, Soda, candy bar, ice cream bar, raspberry sherbert, Pear, raspberries, blueberries, spaghetti, salsa & chips, salad, apple juice, nachos, cream soda float. Vitamins. 800mg Ibuprofen.

Day 3 - Gain 4lbs. 500 calorie day. Took my AM vitamins. Made warm peppermint tea & green tea. Lunch: BBQ Chicken (bbq spice from pounds and inches away), Cucumber in vinegar & stevia, orange. Dinner: Taco salad (hamburger, lettuce, homemade taco seasoning & HCG Perfect portions "sweet mustard" dressing), Apple slices. PM vitamins.

Day 4 - Loss of 5.8lbs. Warm Peppermint tea. Green Tea, AM vitamins. Woke up with a killer headache verging on a migraine. Meds taken during the day: Aspirin two 81mg tablets at 7am & 10:30am; Ibuprofen 800mg at 11:26am & 12:00am. Saw my chiropractor at 3:20pm. Lunch: Shake & Bake Chicken (p.39), apple, cucumber salad (p.23). Dinner: Grandma Simeons' Chicken Soup (p.20) [2c chkn bouillion base homemade, celery, chkn]. Hot cocoa, 1T milk.

Day 5 - Loss of 1.8lbs. Every morning: Vitamins, Peppermint tea, cold green tea. 9:46am 1/2 Grapefruit with stevia & cinnamon on it.  11:30am Lunch: Top Sirloin with BBQ seasoning & horseradish to dip into it! YUMMY! Fried onion with sea salt. 5:15pm Dinner: Shake & bake Chicken (p.39), Slaw (p.26 cabbage), Orange Julius (p.8 - 3/4c crushed ice, 1 orange, 5 drops valencia orange stevia, 5 drops vanilla creme stevia).  Ibuprofen 800mg taken at 7:35am, 3:30pm, 5:00pm. Wore lipstick, face powder & hair spray. Listened to hypnotist relaxation cd before going to bed. (Went to Weird Al Yankovic concert!)

Day 6 - Loss of 5lbs. Had the best night sleep & longest in 4 months!!!! I didn't wake up until 11am (kids woke me up when getting ready for school, but I fell BACK to sleep) I was starving. Went out to my strawberry bed and ate strawberries until I was satisfied! 12:30pm Lunch: White fish with lemon & peppercorn cooked in the George Forman Grill - YUMMY! 1:00pm Strawberries & creme (p.13). 4:15pm ate the rest of my cabbage slaw from yesterday. Dinner at 6:45pm: Tangy Tomato Soup with beef (p.21). 10:10pm blended an apple up in my magic bullet, added stevia packet & cinnamon & a little water & popped in microwave for 30 seconds - YUMMY! Took my vitamins today, 800mg Ibuprofen at 11:40am, saw my chiropractor at 3:30pm.


Round 1 - Wrap up

I didn't post too much about my maintence days. Life got too busy! However, at the beginning/end of each phase my body would go up & down the first week, but would level out the next week. During my last 3 weeks where I was supposed to slowly add sugar & starch, we ended up eating out alot at restaurants & buffets. I had 2 steak days, but pretty much my weight stayed within 2lbs of my ending weight.

We went on vacation in July and I did not want to bring a scale nor did I want to weigh myself everyday, I did want to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted. I told myself it would be okay if I ended up gaining ten pounds during our vacation. Our vacation included a stop at the "Sweet Shop" in Anaconda, MT, it was so yummy! Anyway, I weighed myself when we got  home - I gained 3 pounds. But by the end of the week (without dieting) I lost those 3 pounds (got back on schedule).

August was a terrible month for my body. We had lots of family visiting, more buffets & restaurants. I was stressed out (house refi & other "stuff") and not getting good sleep (we returned our sleep # bed and I have been sleeping on the couch or trying kids beds or blow up beds. Hopefully, our new mattress will be delivered this saturday!) I learned last time on the HCG diet that my body won't lose weight if I am stressed and when not on HCG it will gain. So, during one stressful week I gained 9lbs (I wasn't weighing daily), since then 5 more pounds.

So, I decided I needed to start my 2nd round of HCG asap! So, in 6 days I have lost 13 pounds. My biggest drop was 5lbs overnight and that happened to be the same night I listened to this hypnosis relaxation cd and slept the most consecutive hours and got the best sleep I have gotten in 4 months!!!

So, I am looking forward to my new mattress and hope that I will enjoy a good night's sleep from now on. I am also trying to listen to relaxation cd's before I go to bed and pre-cook some meals ahead of time so I won't stress when life gets crazy.


Melaleuca Products & HCG

I asked this question 5 months ago in an HCG discussion group & am posting the information I got back:

Discussion Board Topic: Melaleuca Personal Care Products

Has anyone used Melaleuca products while on HCG? Toothpaste? Zap-it face wash? Body Satin Deodorant? Shampoo? Conditioner? Lip Balm? Renew lotion?
about 5 months ago

Dodi :
Hey spring. I too love Melaleuca products. While on Phase 2 I have decided to use only their toothpaste. Because they all have tea tree oil, and from what I have researched, it is not compatible with phase 2. If I am wrong, please let me know!
about 5 months ago ·

Sheri Lynn:
I too love Melaleuca products but have decided to use their deoderant and very carefully use the shampoo/conditioner. So far I am losing...6.6 lbs and I'm on P2D8VLCD. I am working an extremely stressful job and not even getting to eat all my protein/veg twice in the past week. I chose to not use any other Melaleuca products at this time. Good luck!
15 hours ago ·


May 25th: Question to Pounds and Inches Away

Question: I am just starting maintenance and know I have 1 or 2 more rounds of HCG in my future to get to my goal weight, Can I continue to lose weight via exercise while in 1st 3 weeks of maintenance or will that screw things up? Everything I have read says how important it is to stay within the 2lb range either way - if your at your goal weight. But if you are 30-50lbs from it...does it matter? I am on day 41, I have lost 26.6lbs from my starting weight and 32lbs from my gorge weight on day 3. 2 weeks ago I measured and had lost 29inches. May 25 at 11:19pm 
Pounds and Inches Away Spring, It is very important to maintain your weight loss no matter what round you are on or if you haven't reached your goal weight. You still want to give your body that set point. So that it creates a new set weight. You can still work out, but eat protein and increase your calories accordingly! AND CONGRATULATIONS on your first round! That is awesome!


Day 40 ~ Tuesday, May 24, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

          ~LAST HCG DAY~
Daily Weight loss:  .4 of a lb  at 8:08 am
Today’s Weight: 210.2   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs

Chicken, strawberries, red radishes
Apple, Tangy Tomato Soup, Plain melba toast.

Meds Taken: .8cc’s HCG at 8:08am, 3:30pm,  9:45pm.  Zovirax for cold sore. Adderall. 

Day 39 ~ Monday, May 23, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .6 of a lb  at 8:03am
Today’s Weight:  210.6  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs

Notes for the Day:

Steak, apple, onion, horse radish
Steak, orange Julius,  2 bites of an apple, 1 T ground peanuts
Meds Taken: HCG at 3:30pm & 11:30pm.  Zovirax  for cold sore

Day 38 ~ Sunday, May 22, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .2 of a lb  at 8:50 am
Today’s Weight:  211.2   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs

Notes for the Day:
Woke up with Bad Earache, put warm olive oil in ear. Wore make-up.
½ grapefruit
Steak with horseradish, celery
Chicken, apple, green salad.
Meds Taken:  .8cc’s  HCG @ 8:53am, 3:30pm, 9:30pm.   Used Zap-it face wash & toner. Zovirax for cold sore. Chapstick.

Day 37 ~ Saturday, May 21, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .4 of a lb  at 8:01am
Today’s Weight: 211.4   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs

Notes for the Day:
2 birthday parties, shopping 4 stores.
Chicken, cucumber in vinegar
Steak with horse radish, strawberries, green salad.

Meds Taken: HCG @ 8am, 8:30pm, 11:30pm. B12

Day 36 ~ Friday, May 20, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  1.4lbs at  9:20am
Total Weight loss: 24.6lbs
Today’s Weight:   211.8 lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3:    30 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Bad Headache, Iced back 3x’s. Used Melaleuca Zap-it face wash, Adderall.

Chicken, strawberries,  cucumber
Chicken, ½ grapefruit, cucumber. Juice of one lemon.
Meds Taken: HCG at 6:55am & 4:30pm. 4 aspirin, cell salts, B12.

Day 35 ~ Thursday, May 19, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  1.2lbs  at 7:40am
Total Weight loss:  23.2lbs
Today’s Weight:   213.2 lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 28.6 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Hungry until 10am. 1 hour hike with cub scouts. Grocery shopping/price matching at Wal-mart 7p-11:15p. Bad Back Pain.
Unsweetened hot cocoa (chocolate raspberry stevia)
Green Tea
Chicken, apple, red radishes, grissini breadstick
Hamburger, celery. Juice of one lemon.
Meds Taken: 1cc  HCG @ 7:40am, 2:30pm, 11:45pm. Adderall, B12.  Mineral oil on lips.

Day 34 ~ Wednesday, May 18, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .8 of a lb  at 8:00am
Total Weight loss:  22 lbs
Today’s Weight:   214.4 lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3:  27.4 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Woke up with lower back pain. When I was off the HCG I was constipated, 2 bowel movements before 9am today. Worked outside 12p-7p
Green Tea, Peppermint Tea
Red Radishes
Lunch at 12:45pm:
Hamburger with sweet & red onions, mustard, apple
Chicken, Celery
Meds Taken: .8cc’s HCG at 8am, 8:30pm, 11:30pm, Adderall, Vitamin A&D x1,

Day 33 ~ Tuesday, May17, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .4 of a lb  at 8:00 am
Total Weight loss: 21.2 lbs
Today’s Weight:   215.2 lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 26.6 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Per: Pounds and Inches Away.com I started back on the HCG & 500calorie (without gorging). Bed at 12am, up at 8am.
Chicken, apple, celery
White Fish, apple, red  radishes, juice of one lemon
Meds Taken: HCG .8cc’s (3x’s), Adderall

Question to Pounds and Inches Away

How has everyone done this week? Any questions or concerns we can help you with?May 12 at 8:08pm  
Spring Yes, for about six days I bounced back & forth between 218 & 217lbs (days 20-26), so I decided that my body was becoming immune to the HCG drops, and quit taking the hcg while doing 3 days of 500 calories, today is my first maintenance day,... but I read in Linda's book today that there were other things (p.52) that I could have tried to get past the 217 mark (today I weighed 213.8)...So, my question is: CAN I GO BACK ON THE HCG AND FINISH MY 40 DAYS? or do I just need to start maintenance? (I have 36 more pounds to lose, I have lost 22.6lbs from my starting weight and 28lbs from my gorge weight).May 13 at 9:16am
Pounds and Inches Away We are so sorry for the delay. Yes, you can go back on the drops. Do not gorge again, just finish your days out. So if you stopped on day 26 then do the drops for 14 more days. Do you have any questions about the plateau breakers? Your weight loss is great! Congrats on all the hard work! May 15 at 4:05pm 
Spring So, I just read your response and I have been 4 days on "maintenance", can I still go back on HCG drops or should I just do maintenance and do a 2nd round in 6 weeks? Since, i stopped HCG I've gone down to 213.8, up to 215, down to 214...May 16 at 3:08pm 
Pounds and Inches Away You can go back on the drops. This is what we would call a planned break. And you can do a planned break for about a week. So do as I said above. Don't gorge again, just go back to the drops and eating VLC and finish out your 40 days. Keep us posted! May 17 at 7:08am ·

Spring  Thank you! May 17 at 8:01am 

Day 32 ~ Monday, May 16, 2011:

~   NO HCG, NO Calorie restriction  ~

Daily Weight GAIN:  .8 of lb
Today’s Weight: 215.6lbs

Breakfast: Grapefruit
Snack: Cottage Cheese & Strawberries
Lunch: Apple
Snack: Hamburger, Cheese, Onion, green pepper, lettuce
Dinner: Chicken Asparagus Soup, Lemon  Zest Asparagus
Snack: Apple
Meds Taken: Adderall 

Day 31 ~ Sunday, May 15, 2011:

~   NO HCG, NO Calorie restriction ~

Daily Weight loss:  .2 of a lb
Today’s Weight: 214.8lbs
Cottage cheese & strawberries
Fish, salad with radish, celery, peppers & craisins (found out later sugar is added to them)

Meds Taken: Adderall 

Day 30 ~ Saturday, May 14, 2011:

~   NO HCG, NO Calorie restriction  ~

Daily Weight GAIN:  1.2lbs
Today’s Weight: 215lbs
Snack: Strawberries & Cottage Cheese
Leftover steak, Cherries
Tangy tomato soup with Buffalo Meat
Snack: Cherries, Carbonated water with flavored stevia
Meds Taken: Adderall

Day 29 ~ Friday, May13, 2011:

 ~   NO HCG, NO Calorie restriction  ~

Daily Weight loss:  2.2lbs
Total Weight loss:  22.6lbs
Today’s Weight:    213.8lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 28.0 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Had diarrhea around 8:45pm, think from  the eggs.
Apple slices, Burger with lettuce bun, 3 slices bell pepper
Snack: Scrambled Eggs with garlic & onions in garlic oil
At Black Angus Restaurant: 11oz sirloin steak with horse radish,  iceberg lettuce with bacon bits, crumbled bleu cheese & bleu cheese dressing. Broccoli & fresh parmesan slices. Ate the melted cheese/bacon/onions off top of 1 twice baked potato skin appetizer
Meds Taken: Adderall

Day 28 ~ Thursday, May 12, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  1.2lbs at 7:36am
Total Weight loss:  20.4lbs
Today’s Weight:  216  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 25.8 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Went on a 2 hour hike with cub scouts. Not hungry at all during the day.

Chicken, strawberries
White fish, orange, cucumber ½  

Day 27 ~ Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:


Daily Weight loss:  1.4lbs at  8:20 am
Total Weight loss: 19.2 lbs
Today’s Weight: 217.2   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3:  24.6lbs

Notes for the Day:
5th night on new mattress, top of shoulders hurt, very tired.
Whole grapefruit
Chicken, red radishes
Fried Chicken (no Skin) (store bought), celery
Meds Taken: NONE

Day 26 ~ Tuesday, May10 , 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

HCG only 1x in am
Daily Weight GAIN:  1.2lbs  at 8:30am
Today’s Weight:  218.6   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 lbs

Notes for the Day:
HCG only in the morning at 8:30am. Only one meal today.   Not hungry, only thirsty. Decided to go off HCG & start maintenance since I keep bouncing back and forth. Left message for Pounds and Inches to see what they suggest.  (4th night on new mattress).

Dinner at 6:30pm:
Hamburger, Strawberries, 4 pieces of lettuce for the “bun” of my burger, mustard
Meds Taken: HCG, Adderall, Cell Salts, Vitamin B drops.

Day 25 ~ Monday, May 9, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

TOTAL INCHES LOST since 4/17:   29.2 inches
Daily Weight loss:  .6lb at 7:34am, .4lb @ 9:44am
Total Weight loss: 19 lbs
Today’s Weight:  217.4   lbs
Start Weight:  236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3:  24.4lbs

Notes for the Day:
Took my measurements & worked outside most of the day.
Orange Hot Cocoa (unsweetened   cocoa, Valencia Orange stevia drops, 1T milk), Green Tea
Chicken, Apple, red radishes, grissini breadstick
Chicken, apple, onion, melba toast, Juice of lemon
Meds Taken: HCG, Cell salts, Vitamin B drops x2.

Day 24 ~ Sunday, May 8, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight GAIN:  .8 of a lb at 9:30 am
Today’s Weight:  218.4  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs

Notes for the Day:
Mother’s Day. 2nd night on new mattress. Not as restful sleep as I had hoped.

Chicken, grapefruit half, cabbage (Chinese 5 spice wrap)
FISH cooked in lemon juice & pepper corn (no fruit, veggie or starch)

Meds Taken:
HCG & zovirax for cold sore. Aspirin x2 81mg each

Day 23 ~ Saturday, May 7, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  NONE
Today’s Weight: 217.6   lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs

Notes for the Day:
I think I need to drink more water. Dry lips and skin starting to feel dry. First night on our new sleep # mattress.

White Fish (lemon juice & Peppercorn), Apple, Red Radishes.
Tangy tomato soup with hamburger & melba toast, Apple.

Meds Taken:
HCG, Adderall & Zovirax for cold sore.

Day 22 ~ Friday, May 6, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight Gain:  .2 of a lb at 6:15am
Total Weight loss: 18.8 lbs
Today’s Weight:  217.6  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 24.2 lbs

Notes for the Day:
Grayson’s 4th birthday made cake & cookies, went to Chuck-E-Cheese for dinner.

Chicken, Strawberries (as strawberry lemonade), Celery.
Dinner: At Chuck-e-Cheese
Grilled Chicken (brought from home), Salad Dressing=Vinagrette (brought from home). Ate Salad at Chuck-e-Cheese:  Spinach/Iceberg lettuce, red onions, cucumbers.
Meds Taken: HCG, Adderall, Zovirax for cold sore. 

Day 21 ~ Thursday, May 5, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .6 of a lb
Total Weight loss: 19lbs
Today’s Weight:  217.4  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 24.4lbs

Notes for the Day:
Grayson had a rash all over his back, bathed him in some kind of calamine like bath stuff (without gloves on). Took Jasmyn to doctor, her blood tests came back showing she has Hypothyroid. Since this was already a skip HCG day for her, we counted it as day 1 of the 3 no hcg 500VLCD days, so she can start her thyroid medication as soon as HCG is out of her system.

Breakfast: none
Hamburger, grapefruit half, melba toast
Tangy Tomato soup with ground hamburger (101 recipe book). Apple, grissini breadstick.

Meds Taken: Adderall. Zovirax on cold sore. Mineral oil on lips & hands. No hcg today – skip day!

Day 20 ~ Wednesday, May 4, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  1.6lbs       at 6:15am
Total Weight loss: 18.4lbs
Today’s Weight:  218  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3:   23.8 lbs

Notes for the Day: Cold sore, Great!

Breakfast: NONE

White fish with Lemon & Peppercorn, Apple, Cucumber (in Apple cider,etc)

Chicken, Orange, Celery

Meds Taken: HCG & Adderall. Zovirax cream on my cold sore.

Day 19 ~ Tuesday, May 3, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight GAIN:  1.2lbs  at
Today’s Weight:  219.6  lbs
Start Weight: 236.4 Lbs
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8lbs

Notes for the Day:
Didn’t feel hungry all day. Drank about a gallon of water. My brother Rex’s Birthday today. No Surprise that I gained, since I cheated yesterday.

Breakfast: NONE
Lunch: NONE
Dinner: Steak, Apple

Meds Taken: HCG 

Day 18 ~ Monday, May 2, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss:  .4lb at 8:30am
Total Weight loss: 18lbs
Today’s Weight:       218.4lbs
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 23.4lbs

Notes for the Day:
Awake at 7:55am. Back killing me. Stressed, Cheated at 1:53pm: ate 1 frosted choc. Cupcake (not worth it), handful of reeses pieces & handful of choc. Covered raisins (worth it).

Lunch at 12:56pm:
Crunchy chicken Salad (Chicken, apple, celery, vinaigrette), Plain grissini breadstick. Made a most delicious Orange Crème Carbonated Water (with flavored stevia drops).

Chicken, strawberries, cucumber, melba toast.
Meds Taken: HCG only

Day 17 ~ Sunday, May 1, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: .8lb
Total Weight loss: 17.6lbs
Today’s Weight:    218.8  
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 23lbs

Notes for the Day:
Woke up at 7:50am. Bed at 12:30am Sat. Woke up stiff & sore (neck to lower back). Before church: organized food cupboards, Gave 3 haircuts, Cooked a turkey. After church: Cooked Pork chops, 5lbs of hamburger (freezer went out), mac&cheese and made & frosted cupcakes for Ethan’s birthday lunch.

Lunch at 4:57pm: White fish (lemon & peppercorn), Orange Julius, Green salad with Vinagrette. Grissini Breadstick.

Dinner at 9:30pm:
Hamburger (93%fat free), Apple, Onion, Plain Melba toast.
Meds Taken: HCG only

Day 16 ~ Saturday, April 30, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: .4 Lb
Total Weight loss: 16.8 lbs
Today’s Weight: 219.6   
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8 lbs
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 22.22lbs

Notes for the Day:
Woke-up at 7:15am & took HCG. Weighed at 8:00am. Bed at 11:45pm.
At 1:40pm, Chicken. Radishes& Apple at 2:30pm,
Shrimp at 7:30pm, Strawberry Lemonade at 9pm
Meds Taken: Adderall XR 20mg,

Day 15 ~ Friday, April 29, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 3.6lbs
Total Weight loss: 16.4lbs
Today’s Weight: 220.0 
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 21.8lbs

Notes for the Day:
Woke up about 6:15am, went to bed at 12ish am.

Green Tea with Peppermint stevia drops.
Shrimp, Apple, Red Radishes.
No Melba Toast or Grissini Bread stick.
Burger (93%fat free) & ½ an Onion, Orange
Meds/Supplements Taken: HCG .6cc’s (3x’s)
Cell Salts 10 drops twice, B12-1/2 dropper 2x’s, Adderall XR 20mg (my prescription)

Day 14 ~ Thursday, April 28, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: .4lb
Total Weight loss: 15lbs
Today’s Weight:  221.6
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 20.6

Notes for the Day: (NO HCG on Thursdays)
Back sore but manageable. Felt a little hypoglycemic around meal times (11:30am&5:30pm) & right before bed, went away after eating protein & fruit & veggie. Took .6cc HCG at 3:00pm even though this was a skip HCG day.
Green Tea with peppermint stevia drops.
Shrimp, Strawberries, Celery. No Melba or Grissini.
Chicken, Apple, Cabbage, Grissini Breadstick.
Meds Taken:
Adderall XR 20mg, Cell Salts x2, B12 drops x3, HCG .6cc x1

Day 13 ~ Wednesday, April 27, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: .8lb
Total Weight loss: 14.4 lbs
Today’s Weight:      222.0lbs
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 19.8lbs

Notes for the Day:
Saw Dr. Cough at 11:50am, Realized that since stress event on Saturday my weight loss has been under a pound a day. Dr. Cough confirmed that stress was affecting my right adrenals. Recommended stress relievers. Grayson & I walked on the Centennial trail for an hour, then I went home and Iced my back while listening to a relaxation CD. Felt better for a few hours, but by the time I was done fixing dinner my back was hurting again in the (K stressor area – that’s code for where my back starts hurting every time I get stressed out about my ex-husband, Dr.Cough says that’s the part of the body that processes emotions).

Green Tea
Chicken, ½ grapefruit, red radishes, grissini breadstick
Fish, apple, cucumber.
Meds Taken:
HCG .5cc 3xs (7:15/3:00/9:30), B12 drops 2xs

Day 12 ~ Tuesday, April 26, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: .4lb
Total Weight loss: 13.6lbs
Today’s Weight:       222.8
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 19lbs

Notes for the Day:
Back hurting all day.
Chicken, ½ grapefruit, Celery, grissini breadstick
Steak, asparagus, Orange Julius (orange, ice, Valencia Orange stevia), Rye melba rounds.
Meds Taken: HCG at 6:08am

Day 11 ~ Monday, April 25, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Total weight lost from start weight is 13.2 lbs, total weight lost from gorge days 18.6lbs. Which means I only lost .8 of a pound since yesterday.

For Lunch:
Cocktail shrimp (3oz), cooked, peeled, deveined with tail on (Kroger brand). Veggie: Onion. Made an orange Julius with my orange for my fruit serving (ice, orange, 5 drops of Valencia orange stevia & 5 drops vanilla crème stevia), Had to make Orange Julius’s for everyone, they like mine so much! Skipped the starch.

For Dinner: Chicken, Apple, Celery. No starch.

My notes for the day:
I haven’t had heartburn since day 3 (I have been taking Calmacid-Melaleuca’s version of tum’s for almost 4 years now on a nightly basis).

I haven’t had “extreme itching” of my legs that I get about once a week…and I haven’t put a drop of lotion on my body in 11 days!

Lip dryness: If I start getting dry or chapped lips throughout the day – I drink more water and that makes the dryness go away. I have on previous occasion dabbed some mineral oil on them with a q-tip. Dr. Simeons said that was ok – but reading Kevin Trudeau’s book says to stay away from mineral oil…

Stress: My body reacts to stress physically and the stress from Saturday has caused my back to hurt horribly today (Right scapula down to lower back and across to left side….it got worse throughout the day – icing and heat didn’t seem to help a whole lot). Sunday, I had the typical back ache “residue” from stress, but I was able to do a lot (maybe over did it).


Seriously Behind on Updates!

As you can see from the pictures above I am now in the maintenance phase, day 4. I have typed up all of my notes from "My HCG Tracker" and just need to start posting them, to catch up to current day. I got my pictures done tonight to enter the contest at Pounds and Inches Away.com.


Day 10 ~ April 24, 2011 (Easter Sunday)

I have Lost 1.2 lbs since yesterday for a total of 12.4 lbs lost from starting weight. If you count the weight lost from the 5.4lbs I gained during the 2 gorge days…then I’ve lost 17.8 lbs…but I am only really counting the weight lost from starting weight. My starting weight: 236.4 lbs, Today’s weight: 224 lbs.

Since the gorge days I’ve been losing on an average of 2.2 lbs per day, but the last 2 days it’s been only 1.2 lbs lost per day.

Here are some things that may have affected my weight loss - meaning if I hadn’t done them-maybe I would have lost 2.2lbs instead of 1.2lbs:

Beef: I’ve eaten 93% fat-free hamburger 3x’s in 7 days and Steak 2x’s in the same week. Dr. S says beef should be eaten 2-3x’s per week max. Also, on Friday I was cutting fat off the steaks for kabobs and handling it w/o gloves.

Garlic flavored Melba Rounds: didn’t read the nutrition label when I bought them…but I did on Thursday and found out they have 1 gram of sugar in them – no wonder they are sooo delicious.

Lotion: Put some Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream above Grayson’s lip & grabbed fingernail clippers that had it all over them for some reason…it took a couple hand washings and I still had some residue on my hands.

Make-up: Mineral powder foundation is supposed to be ok, so I put some on my face on Friday, but then I also put on some eye shadow, eyeliner, Mary Kay Lipstick and for the first time tried putting on fake eyelashes – with the glue they provide.

Tuna-We had white canned tuna in water for lunch yesterday. Dr.S says no to Tuna, but Linda Prinster thought that was because it used to be packaged in oil back in his time. The “My HCG Tracker” by Tiffany Prinster (Linda’s sister & business partner), has tuna as an option. However, when I also looked it up (after eating it of course) in the “HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide” by Linda Prinster (3rd Revison). It says No on the 500 calorie diet to Tuna (slipjack, yellowfin), Tuna (white, canned in water). So, my question is: Is there other kinds of canned tuna?

Stress: Been under some stress the last few days courtesy of the ex-husband. I’m not one of those people to lose weight during stress…I’m a gainer…but staying away from chocolate probably helps J (I substitute now with unsweetened cocoa in hot water with 1 packet stevia & ½ T of milk)

Things I’ve been doing right: Varying my meals, fruits & veggies daily (Not eating 2 of the same thing in one day). Drinking water. When I feel my lips getting dried out, I start drinking more water…then they feel better.


Day 9 ~ Saturday, April 23, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 1.2lbs
Total Weight loss: 11.2lbs
Today’s Weight:    225.2
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 16.6lbs

Notes for the Day:
High Stress, huge physical reaction.
Tuna, ½ grapefruit, celery, grissini breadstick
Chicken, apple, celery, grissini breadstick (didn’t eat chicken until 8:45pm.

Day 8 ~ Friday, April 22, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 2.2lbs
Total Weight loss: 10lbs
Today’s Weight:  226.4    
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 15.4

Notes for the Day:
Woke up at 5:30am, took HCG. Felt hungry/thirsty. Weighed at 8am.
Hot cocoa (unsweetened), tea, ½ grapefruit at 9:25am
White fish, cucumber, grissini breadstick
Steak, apple, onion, grissini breadstick
Meds Taken: HCG