While you are waiting for your "HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide" to arrive, click on the link below to download a copy of Dr.Simeons "Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to Obesity" manuscript and read it.

When you are ordering your HCG order MORE than you think you'll need - because the places you order from tell you different #'s of drops to take and if you find yourself hungry at all, up the # of drops or cc's that you are taking as Dr.Simeons' recommends in his manuscript. You shouldn't feel hungry at all! Spring took .8cc's-1.0cc three times per day (about 2.5 ounces per round or one 2oz bottle & one 1oz bottle). Dr.Simeons recommends .5cc's to start with and gradually add .1cc per day until it feels right to you (no more than 1cc). Don't skimp on ounces when buying HCG!

This is a very TIME INTENSIVE diet and expensive at the start up (If you do what Spring did and buy all the books, stevia, George Foreman grill, scales, meats -weigh & freeze in separate bags and Grissini Breadsticks ahead of time - to last 2 months). However, starting the 2nd Round was a breeze because Spring had everything she needed! (Not as expensive or time intensive as Weight Watchers, though).


Day 10 ~ April 24, 2011 (Easter Sunday)

I have Lost 1.2 lbs since yesterday for a total of 12.4 lbs lost from starting weight. If you count the weight lost from the 5.4lbs I gained during the 2 gorge days…then I’ve lost 17.8 lbs…but I am only really counting the weight lost from starting weight. My starting weight: 236.4 lbs, Today’s weight: 224 lbs.

Since the gorge days I’ve been losing on an average of 2.2 lbs per day, but the last 2 days it’s been only 1.2 lbs lost per day.

Here are some things that may have affected my weight loss - meaning if I hadn’t done them-maybe I would have lost 2.2lbs instead of 1.2lbs:

Beef: I’ve eaten 93% fat-free hamburger 3x’s in 7 days and Steak 2x’s in the same week. Dr. S says beef should be eaten 2-3x’s per week max. Also, on Friday I was cutting fat off the steaks for kabobs and handling it w/o gloves.

Garlic flavored Melba Rounds: didn’t read the nutrition label when I bought them…but I did on Thursday and found out they have 1 gram of sugar in them – no wonder they are sooo delicious.

Lotion: Put some Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream above Grayson’s lip & grabbed fingernail clippers that had it all over them for some reason…it took a couple hand washings and I still had some residue on my hands.

Make-up: Mineral powder foundation is supposed to be ok, so I put some on my face on Friday, but then I also put on some eye shadow, eyeliner, Mary Kay Lipstick and for the first time tried putting on fake eyelashes – with the glue they provide.

Tuna-We had white canned tuna in water for lunch yesterday. Dr.S says no to Tuna, but Linda Prinster thought that was because it used to be packaged in oil back in his time. The “My HCG Tracker” by Tiffany Prinster (Linda’s sister & business partner), has tuna as an option. However, when I also looked it up (after eating it of course) in the “HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide” by Linda Prinster (3rd Revison). It says No on the 500 calorie diet to Tuna (slipjack, yellowfin), Tuna (white, canned in water). So, my question is: Is there other kinds of canned tuna?

Stress: Been under some stress the last few days courtesy of the ex-husband. I’m not one of those people to lose weight during stress…I’m a gainer…but staying away from chocolate probably helps J (I substitute now with unsweetened cocoa in hot water with 1 packet stevia & ½ T of milk)

Things I’ve been doing right: Varying my meals, fruits & veggies daily (Not eating 2 of the same thing in one day). Drinking water. When I feel my lips getting dried out, I start drinking more water…then they feel better.


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