While you are waiting for your "HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide" to arrive, click on the link below to download a copy of Dr.Simeons "Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to Obesity" manuscript and read it.

When you are ordering your HCG order MORE than you think you'll need - because the places you order from tell you different #'s of drops to take and if you find yourself hungry at all, up the # of drops or cc's that you are taking as Dr.Simeons' recommends in his manuscript. You shouldn't feel hungry at all! Spring took .8cc's-1.0cc three times per day (about 2.5 ounces per round or one 2oz bottle & one 1oz bottle). Dr.Simeons recommends .5cc's to start with and gradually add .1cc per day until it feels right to you (no more than 1cc). Don't skimp on ounces when buying HCG!

This is a very TIME INTENSIVE diet and expensive at the start up (If you do what Spring did and buy all the books, stevia, George Foreman grill, scales, meats -weigh & freeze in separate bags and Grissini Breadsticks ahead of time - to last 2 months). However, starting the 2nd Round was a breeze because Spring had everything she needed! (Not as expensive or time intensive as Weight Watchers, though).


Save the HCG Diet!

Company Logo
Please send your friends to www.savethehcgdiet.com or forward them this email with the web address so that they too can go and show their support.
If you would like to contact the FDA or FTC to voice your opinion, here are a few phone numbers and addresses:
FDA Info Line
Elizabeth Millerelizabeth.miller@fda.hhs.gov
Pharmacist at the FDA
Watch her video HERE

Ilisa Bernsteinilisa.bernstein@fda.hhs.gov
Acting Director, Office of Compliance
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
10001 New Hampshire Ave
Hillandale Bldg, 4th Fl
Silver Spring, MD 20993

Mary Englemengle@ftc.gov
Associate Director
Division of Advertising Practices
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20580

Thank you!

HCG update from DIY

Hello again. Alright, it's official.Our HCG manufacturer (like pretty much all others) has confirmed that they are no longer producing HCG drops.I know that many customers have already started stockpiling HCG in order to make sure they have themselves set up for the future as our current stock of HCG drops expires in 2016.

And, I do foresee this turning into a "hunt for real HCG drops" until they run out on the Internet or until it becomes absolutely illegal to sell them (which frankly could happen any day).Therefore, I think prices are most likely going to sky rocket in the VERY near future as everyone starts running out of the real HCG drops.

Our past manufacturer (and many other production plants) are going to be producing a "hormone-free" version of the HCG drops, but I don't even really know what that means as HCG is a hormone.

Unless some evidence DRAMATICALLY changes, I will not be carrying this "hormone-free" "HCG" in my business as I do not think that it is effective in weight loss like real HCG drops and I would not want to expose any of my customers to danger. (Furthermore, I would suggest that you really do your research before switching to any formula without HCG in it as you could end up on a 500 calorie diet without the help of HCG -- and that is dangerous.)

So, the HCG we have now is all that we have left.We saw an increase in orders and quantity of bottles ordered last week when the news about the FDA and HCG was first announced and we are prepared for the influx of orders that this e-mail may cause, but I really wanted to make sure you knew exactly how bad it has become and how scarce real HCG drops may be in the VERY near future.

To order from our remaining stock, visit our website or call us at 888-389-0626 Mon - Fri, 7 am - 5 pm CST.

I am so sorry to have to bring you this news as I know how much HCG has helped so many of you.We will still be offering all of the HCG safe products (food, lotion, lip balm, hygiene kits, books, tools, etc.)...just no more HCG once it is gone.

In case I don't e-mail you before then, have a very happy holiday season!

Tiffany Prinster

FDA has banned Homeopathic HCG

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Dear Customer,

The FDA announced on Dec. 6 that homeopathic HCG will be banned and should no longer be marketed. Of course, we believe that homeopathic HCG and the Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol is both safe and effective, as Pounds and Inches Away has been in business since 2007 and has helped thousands of clients who had given up on other weight loss methods. Many clients have called wondering if they could still purchase the product and the answer is ‘yes’, but for how long, we do not know. I can assure you that many past participants, employees, and family members have acquired a personal stockpile based on past results and the desire to possibly lose weight again in the future. Our current stock expires in the year 2016. As you all know, our business was based on our passion to help people lose weight rather than our passion for any particular product. In our minds, we found only one method in about 35 years that we would like to be a part of, Dr. Simeons’ HCG Protocol. Consequently, we are exploring other avenues to offer this method to both past and future clients.

A word of caution to those who purchase homeopathic HCG off the internet. Seven companies were issued letters by the FDA demanding that they stop marketing/selling homeopathic HCG. In order to get into compliance, some of these companies have replaced the HCG in their current HCG drops with a ‘new formula’ that has had the HCG eliminated. Following Dr. Simeons’ Protocol without HCG is so drastically different that we cannot comprehend a company simply ‘switching’ formulas. To embark upon a 500 calorie, or even up to 1000 calories, without quality HCG performing the function of releasing abnormal fat is unfathomable. This is being undertaken without years of testing (obviously) and can only be accepted as a substitute for the profit associated with HCG, not for the effect of the one and only HCG. Please consider carefully before switching to any method that does not include HCG as low calorie diets without effective HCG are more likely to enact starvation mode for weight loss, which actually is more likely to negatively effect your metabolism than possibly improve it as Dr. Simeons proposed after 20 years of working with the HCG Diet Protocol.

I’m going to go one step further here and ask you to help us do something about this. Please go to www.savethehcgdiet.com where you can sign a petition that says:

We, the undersigned, call on the FDA to work with experienced, credible HCG diet experts that have had hundreds or thousands of documented HCG weight loss successes since 2007 with the HCG Diet Protocol (including experience with effective homeopathic HCG, HCG injections, and other HCG methods) to test, analyze, and closely document the success or failure of the HCG diet in a fair, unbiased clinical study under the strict guidelines of Dr. Simeons' original manuscript.

If the work shows conclusive evidence of significant weight loss and overall improved health during and after the HCG diet, we request the FDA to consider classifying the HCG diet protocol as an effective weight loss method

Signing this petition will only take a moment, but it will help so many people. Thank you in advance!

Best wishes this holiday season,
Pounds and Inches Away


Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 26-29

Day 26 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1 pound. Menstruation Started. Lunch: Apple, Red Radishes. Dinner: BBQ Tilapia. Took my vitamins. October 5, 2011

Day 27 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1 pound, for a total of 27.6lbs so far. 2nd day of menstruation. Lunch: Hamburger, apple, radishes. Dinner: Steak & apple.

Day 28 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound. 3rd day of menstruation. I have down that I took my HCG & my vitamins, but I either didn't eat anything all day or forgot to write anything down. Regardless, I know I drank Green Tea & Peppermint tea - because I do that all day long everyday on the diet.

Day 29 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG Skip Day
Lost .6 of a pound. No HCG today. Last day of my period. Weight 199.8lbs, 28.6lbs lost. Lunch: Steak, strawberries, 1T milk, juice of lemon, green salad & 0 calorie dressing. Dinner: Chicken, 1/2 grapefruit, cucumber. Saturday, October 8, 2011.

VCLD stands for Very Low Calorie Diet.


Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 16-25 ~ 3.6Lbs lost in 1 day! I'm a Big Cheater!

Looking back over this week I realized I cheated ALOT!!

Day 16 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 3.6 pounds!!! 22.6lbs lost so far. Weight: 205.8lbs. Lunch: Fish-Tilapia. Dinner: Hamburger with Cheese Powder, 1 Tbl Milk. Took HCG at 10:45am & 5:04pm. Sept. 25, 2011.

Cheat: 1 Cupcake.

Day 17 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Steak, 1/2 grapefruit & radishes. Dinner: Hamburger w/Cheese Powder & Celery. Took HCG at 8:16am, 1:47pm, 9pm.  September 26, 2011.

Day 18 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Fish-tilapia. Dinner: Hamburger & Apple. Took HCG at 9:09am, 2pm, 9:10pm. Took Vitamins.

Cheat: 1/2 Cupcake with Cream Cheese Filling

Day 19 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Weight 205.2Lbs. Lunch: chicken & cucumber. Dinner: Hamburger, Strawberries, 1T milk. Took Vitamins. September 28th.

Day 20 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.8 pounds. Lunch: Hamburger w/Cheese Powder, Unsweetened Applesauce. Dinner: 2 hardboiled eggs, Cabbage. Took HCG at 8:06am, 12:50pm & 9:09pm. Took Vitamins.

Cheat: alot of homemade cream cheese filling.

Day 21 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. Lunch: Hamburger, Radishes. Dinner: Hamburger, Unsweetened Applesauce 1c. Took HCG at 8:03am, 3:15pm & 10:05pm. Took Vitamins. September 30, 2011.

Day 22 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG SKIP Day
Lost 1 pound. Weight 202.2Lbs. Forgot & took HCG at 3:30pm. Lunch: Hamburger, Strawberries. Dinner: Fish-Tilapia, Green Salad.

Cheat: Sample day at Costco & 1.5T of Litehouse Bleu Cheese Dressing on my salad. Oct. 1st

Day 23 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 of a pound. 26.4Lbs total lost. Took HCG at 9:02am & 3:30pm. Lunch: Shrimp, Apple, Green Salad. Dinner: Fish-tilapia. Took vitamins.

CHEATS: 2 cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting, Litehouse Bleu Cheese Dressing & wedge of Laughing Cow creamy swiss.

Day 24 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Gain 1.2Lbs. Too much cheating yesterday! Took HCG at 8am & 1:30pm. Lunch: Steak, Apple, Green Salad. Dinner: Fish-Tilapia. October 3, 2011. 203.2Lbs.

Day 25 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound. 25.6Lbs total pounds lost. Took HCG at 10:32am, 3pm & 9:30pm. Lunch: 1/2 grapefruit. Dinner: Hamburger, Green Lettuce, Some Cake & Frosting. My daughter and I took a cake decorating class the last 4 weeks - had to make lots of frosting & "had" to taste it! 202.8Lbs. October 4, 2011

Round 2 ~ VLCD ~ Days 7-15 ~ Lost 2.6lbs in 1 day!

Day 7 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .4 of a pound for a total of 13lbs so far. Lunch: Grandma Simeons Chicken Soup {pg20: 2c Chicken Bou. Base, 3.5oz Chicken, 3 Stalks Celery}. Blended 1/2 grapefruit added stevia & cinnamon & drank it. Dinner: Beef Cabbage Soup {pg22: 2c Chicken Bou. Base, 3.5oz Beef, 2c Cabbage, 1/8t Sea Salt} & Strawberries & Creme (Strawberries, 1T Milk & stevia). Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic). Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took HCG at 8:45am, 11:40am & 10:10pm. 215.4Lbs on September 16, 2011.

Day 8 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG Skip Day
Lost .8 of a pound. No HCG today (Dr. S recommends skipping HCG one day every 7 days).
Lunch: Chicken Taco Salad (made my own taco seasoning with no sugar) with sugar free 0 cal dressing, Applesauce warm (pureed apple).  Dinner: Fish (Tilapia), 1/2 grapefruit, Cucumber. unsweetened hot cocoa, Smooth Move Tea, Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic).

Day 9 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 2 pounds. For a total of 15.8Lbs. Lunch: Chicken, Strawberries, cucumber. Dinner: Hamburger/Onion Soup. Peppermint Tea & Green Tea all day long. Took Vitamins (Flax Seed Oil, Echinacea, Vit. D, Vit B12, Garlic). Took HCG at 6:05am, 3:30pm & 12:30am. Today's Weight 212.6lbs. September 18, 2011.

Day 10 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Gain .2 pounds. I noticed I gain weight if I don't get enough sleep during the night. Weighed at 8:18am 213.4lbs, weighed at 10:39am 212.8lbs. Took my HCG at 8:18am & 1:30pm. Lunch: Fish (Tilapia). Dinner: Steak with Horseradish  sauce, orange & Slaw (Cabbage recipe). Took Vitamins.

Cheated: Had a bid Brownie!

Day 11 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 2.6 pounds! Took HCG at 7:56am & 10ish. Weighed 211.2 at 7:55am and 210.2lbs at 10:03am. Lunch: chicken & celery. Dinner: NOTHING. Took Vitamins. Total lost so far is 18.2lbs. September 20, 2011

Day 12 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost .2 pounds. Cheated had a bite of cake & granola. Took my HCG at 8:56am, 3pm & 8:30pm.
Lunch: Apple. Dinner: Steak.

Day 13 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.0 pound. Took HCG at 7:49am, 1:12pm & 9:46pm. Lunch: Taco Salad (Beef&Lettuce). Dinner: Shrimp, Apple/Strawberry Smoothie. Cheat: bite of cake & sips of kids smoothies. Took my vitamins. September 22nd. 209lbs.

Day 14 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG
Lost 1.0 pound. 208lbs, 20.4lbs lost total. It has taken 14 days to lose the weight I gained in August during a stressful 3 weeks (& lots of skittles!). Took my HCG at 8:05am, 2:07pm & 9:03pm. Lunch: Steak, cabbage, melba toast. Dinner: Hamburger/tomato soup, 1/2 grapefruit, melba toast. Took Vitamins.

Day 15 ~ 500 Calories ~ HCG SKIP day
GAIN 1.4lbs ~ and I am blaming the Melba Toast! I haven't eaten any during my diet before this... Lunch: Hamburger with Cheese Powder. Dinner: Fish (Tilapia). Bite of Brownies. Took Vitamins. September 24, 2011.