While you are waiting for your "HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide" to arrive, click on the link below to download a copy of Dr.Simeons "Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to Obesity" manuscript and read it.

When you are ordering your HCG order MORE than you think you'll need - because the places you order from tell you different #'s of drops to take and if you find yourself hungry at all, up the # of drops or cc's that you are taking as Dr.Simeons' recommends in his manuscript. You shouldn't feel hungry at all! Spring took .8cc's-1.0cc three times per day (about 2.5 ounces per round or one 2oz bottle & one 1oz bottle). Dr.Simeons recommends .5cc's to start with and gradually add .1cc per day until it feels right to you (no more than 1cc). Don't skimp on ounces when buying HCG!

This is a very TIME INTENSIVE diet and expensive at the start up (If you do what Spring did and buy all the books, stevia, George Foreman grill, scales, meats -weigh & freeze in separate bags and Grissini Breadsticks ahead of time - to last 2 months). However, starting the 2nd Round was a breeze because Spring had everything she needed! (Not as expensive or time intensive as Weight Watchers, though).


Round 2 - VLCD - Days 1-6

Today is day 7 for me and I have lost a total of 13 pounds so far. This round is so much easier because I have everything I need. I have all my spices (sugar free), flavored liquid stevia's, stevia packets, pre-measured, packaged & frozen chicken & beef and don't forget "101 Worry - Free HCG Diet Recipe" book! (I am using drops from Pounds and Inches Away)

Some suggestions I have:
     Vary the food you eat daily, try not to eat the same things in one day. Don't eat too many oranges or Tomato's (if you stall, eliminate them for a few days).
     This round I am not eating Melba Toast or Grissini Sticks - I am eliminating them from my diet (per Kevin Trudeau's book suggestion) to see if I can get greater weightloss.
     If I have a sweet craving - I satisfy it by making a cup of unsweetened hot cocoa, I add some flavored stevia drops & milk or I make something from the cookbook (orange julius, flavored carbonated water, strawberries & creme or a pureed apple with stevia, cinnamon & warmed up) or have some hot peppermint tea.
    I make 2 gallons of green tea ahead of time. One I put lemon juice in it and the other peppermint and I put them in the refrigerator, since I get bored with water.

Vitamins I am taking while on the VCLD: Garlic, Echinacea, Flax seed, Vitamin D, Cholaplex & Neurotrophin (per my doctor).

Day 1 - Gorging! Pumpkin Donuts, Trix Cereal, Honeynut cheerios, Eggo cereal, Smorz cereal, cream soda, reeses pieces, Black Angus:Steak, potato, onion ringsx3, Salad, Chocolate cake 5 bites. 8 rolls & butter from Texas Roadhouse, whatchamacallit, mint icecream sandwich, toffee icecream bar. Vitamins.

Day 2 - Gain 1.6lbs. Gorging day 2! Black Angus leftovers & 1/2 the choco cake. Snickers bar, 12 rolls, M&M's, Soda, candy bar, ice cream bar, raspberry sherbert, Pear, raspberries, blueberries, spaghetti, salsa & chips, salad, apple juice, nachos, cream soda float. Vitamins. 800mg Ibuprofen.

Day 3 - Gain 4lbs. 500 calorie day. Took my AM vitamins. Made warm peppermint tea & green tea. Lunch: BBQ Chicken (bbq spice from pounds and inches away), Cucumber in vinegar & stevia, orange. Dinner: Taco salad (hamburger, lettuce, homemade taco seasoning & HCG Perfect portions "sweet mustard" dressing), Apple slices. PM vitamins.

Day 4 - Loss of 5.8lbs. Warm Peppermint tea. Green Tea, AM vitamins. Woke up with a killer headache verging on a migraine. Meds taken during the day: Aspirin two 81mg tablets at 7am & 10:30am; Ibuprofen 800mg at 11:26am & 12:00am. Saw my chiropractor at 3:20pm. Lunch: Shake & Bake Chicken (p.39), apple, cucumber salad (p.23). Dinner: Grandma Simeons' Chicken Soup (p.20) [2c chkn bouillion base homemade, celery, chkn]. Hot cocoa, 1T milk.

Day 5 - Loss of 1.8lbs. Every morning: Vitamins, Peppermint tea, cold green tea. 9:46am 1/2 Grapefruit with stevia & cinnamon on it.  11:30am Lunch: Top Sirloin with BBQ seasoning & horseradish to dip into it! YUMMY! Fried onion with sea salt. 5:15pm Dinner: Shake & bake Chicken (p.39), Slaw (p.26 cabbage), Orange Julius (p.8 - 3/4c crushed ice, 1 orange, 5 drops valencia orange stevia, 5 drops vanilla creme stevia).  Ibuprofen 800mg taken at 7:35am, 3:30pm, 5:00pm. Wore lipstick, face powder & hair spray. Listened to hypnotist relaxation cd before going to bed. (Went to Weird Al Yankovic concert!)

Day 6 - Loss of 5lbs. Had the best night sleep & longest in 4 months!!!! I didn't wake up until 11am (kids woke me up when getting ready for school, but I fell BACK to sleep) I was starving. Went out to my strawberry bed and ate strawberries until I was satisfied! 12:30pm Lunch: White fish with lemon & peppercorn cooked in the George Forman Grill - YUMMY! 1:00pm Strawberries & creme (p.13). 4:15pm ate the rest of my cabbage slaw from yesterday. Dinner at 6:45pm: Tangy Tomato Soup with beef (p.21). 10:10pm blended an apple up in my magic bullet, added stevia packet & cinnamon & a little water & popped in microwave for 30 seconds - YUMMY! Took my vitamins today, 800mg Ibuprofen at 11:40am, saw my chiropractor at 3:30pm.


Round 1 - Wrap up

I didn't post too much about my maintence days. Life got too busy! However, at the beginning/end of each phase my body would go up & down the first week, but would level out the next week. During my last 3 weeks where I was supposed to slowly add sugar & starch, we ended up eating out alot at restaurants & buffets. I had 2 steak days, but pretty much my weight stayed within 2lbs of my ending weight.

We went on vacation in July and I did not want to bring a scale nor did I want to weigh myself everyday, I did want to eat whatever I wanted when I wanted. I told myself it would be okay if I ended up gaining ten pounds during our vacation. Our vacation included a stop at the "Sweet Shop" in Anaconda, MT, it was so yummy! Anyway, I weighed myself when we got  home - I gained 3 pounds. But by the end of the week (without dieting) I lost those 3 pounds (got back on schedule).

August was a terrible month for my body. We had lots of family visiting, more buffets & restaurants. I was stressed out (house refi & other "stuff") and not getting good sleep (we returned our sleep # bed and I have been sleeping on the couch or trying kids beds or blow up beds. Hopefully, our new mattress will be delivered this saturday!) I learned last time on the HCG diet that my body won't lose weight if I am stressed and when not on HCG it will gain. So, during one stressful week I gained 9lbs (I wasn't weighing daily), since then 5 more pounds.

So, I decided I needed to start my 2nd round of HCG asap! So, in 6 days I have lost 13 pounds. My biggest drop was 5lbs overnight and that happened to be the same night I listened to this hypnosis relaxation cd and slept the most consecutive hours and got the best sleep I have gotten in 4 months!!!

So, I am looking forward to my new mattress and hope that I will enjoy a good night's sleep from now on. I am also trying to listen to relaxation cd's before I go to bed and pre-cook some meals ahead of time so I won't stress when life gets crazy.


Melaleuca Products & HCG

I asked this question 5 months ago in an HCG discussion group & am posting the information I got back:

Discussion Board Topic: Melaleuca Personal Care Products

Has anyone used Melaleuca products while on HCG? Toothpaste? Zap-it face wash? Body Satin Deodorant? Shampoo? Conditioner? Lip Balm? Renew lotion?
about 5 months ago

Dodi :
Hey spring. I too love Melaleuca products. While on Phase 2 I have decided to use only their toothpaste. Because they all have tea tree oil, and from what I have researched, it is not compatible with phase 2. If I am wrong, please let me know!
about 5 months ago ·

Sheri Lynn:
I too love Melaleuca products but have decided to use their deoderant and very carefully use the shampoo/conditioner. So far I am losing...6.6 lbs and I'm on P2D8VLCD. I am working an extremely stressful job and not even getting to eat all my protein/veg twice in the past week. I chose to not use any other Melaleuca products at this time. Good luck!
15 hours ago ·