While you are waiting for your "HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide" to arrive, click on the link below to download a copy of Dr.Simeons "Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to Obesity" manuscript and read it.

When you are ordering your HCG order MORE than you think you'll need - because the places you order from tell you different #'s of drops to take and if you find yourself hungry at all, up the # of drops or cc's that you are taking as Dr.Simeons' recommends in his manuscript. You shouldn't feel hungry at all! Spring took .8cc's-1.0cc three times per day (about 2.5 ounces per round or one 2oz bottle & one 1oz bottle). Dr.Simeons recommends .5cc's to start with and gradually add .1cc per day until it feels right to you (no more than 1cc). Don't skimp on ounces when buying HCG!

This is a very TIME INTENSIVE diet and expensive at the start up (If you do what Spring did and buy all the books, stevia, George Foreman grill, scales, meats -weigh & freeze in separate bags and Grissini Breadsticks ahead of time - to last 2 months). However, starting the 2nd Round was a breeze because Spring had everything she needed! (Not as expensive or time intensive as Weight Watchers, though).


Day 10 ~ April 24, 2011 (Easter Sunday)

I have Lost 1.2 lbs since yesterday for a total of 12.4 lbs lost from starting weight. If you count the weight lost from the 5.4lbs I gained during the 2 gorge days…then I’ve lost 17.8 lbs…but I am only really counting the weight lost from starting weight. My starting weight: 236.4 lbs, Today’s weight: 224 lbs.

Since the gorge days I’ve been losing on an average of 2.2 lbs per day, but the last 2 days it’s been only 1.2 lbs lost per day.

Here are some things that may have affected my weight loss - meaning if I hadn’t done them-maybe I would have lost 2.2lbs instead of 1.2lbs:

Beef: I’ve eaten 93% fat-free hamburger 3x’s in 7 days and Steak 2x’s in the same week. Dr. S says beef should be eaten 2-3x’s per week max. Also, on Friday I was cutting fat off the steaks for kabobs and handling it w/o gloves.

Garlic flavored Melba Rounds: didn’t read the nutrition label when I bought them…but I did on Thursday and found out they have 1 gram of sugar in them – no wonder they are sooo delicious.

Lotion: Put some Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream above Grayson’s lip & grabbed fingernail clippers that had it all over them for some reason…it took a couple hand washings and I still had some residue on my hands.

Make-up: Mineral powder foundation is supposed to be ok, so I put some on my face on Friday, but then I also put on some eye shadow, eyeliner, Mary Kay Lipstick and for the first time tried putting on fake eyelashes – with the glue they provide.

Tuna-We had white canned tuna in water for lunch yesterday. Dr.S says no to Tuna, but Linda Prinster thought that was because it used to be packaged in oil back in his time. The “My HCG Tracker” by Tiffany Prinster (Linda’s sister & business partner), has tuna as an option. However, when I also looked it up (after eating it of course) in the “HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide” by Linda Prinster (3rd Revison). It says No on the 500 calorie diet to Tuna (slipjack, yellowfin), Tuna (white, canned in water). So, my question is: Is there other kinds of canned tuna?

Stress: Been under some stress the last few days courtesy of the ex-husband. I’m not one of those people to lose weight during stress…I’m a gainer…but staying away from chocolate probably helps J (I substitute now with unsweetened cocoa in hot water with 1 packet stevia & ½ T of milk)

Things I’ve been doing right: Varying my meals, fruits & veggies daily (Not eating 2 of the same thing in one day). Drinking water. When I feel my lips getting dried out, I start drinking more water…then they feel better.


Day 9 ~ Saturday, April 23, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 1.2lbs
Total Weight loss: 11.2lbs
Today’s Weight:    225.2
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 16.6lbs

Notes for the Day:
High Stress, huge physical reaction.
Tuna, ½ grapefruit, celery, grissini breadstick
Chicken, apple, celery, grissini breadstick (didn’t eat chicken until 8:45pm.

Day 8 ~ Friday, April 22, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 2.2lbs
Total Weight loss: 10lbs
Today’s Weight:  226.4    
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 15.4

Notes for the Day:
Woke up at 5:30am, took HCG. Felt hungry/thirsty. Weighed at 8am.
Hot cocoa (unsweetened), tea, ½ grapefruit at 9:25am
White fish, cucumber, grissini breadstick
Steak, apple, onion, grissini breadstick
Meds Taken: HCG

Day 7 ~ Thursday, April 21, 2011 ~ 500 Cal:

Daily Weight loss: 2.8lbs
Total Weight loss: 7.8lbs
Today’s Weight:    228.6  
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 13.2lbs

Notes for the Day:
No HCG today (Skip every 7th day to prevent immunity). Found out Garlic Melba rounds have sugar in them. Period over.  Felt fine all day. Just got hungry at 11:30am & 5:30pm. Put emollient on grayson, got on hands.

Asian Salad (Chicken, Orange, Spinach, Melba Toast)
Spicy Taco Salad (Hamburger, Green Salad, Melba Toast), Strawberries.
Meds Taken: none


Day 6 ~ Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Weight loss: 2.2lbs
Total Weight loss: 5.0lbs
Today’s Weight: 231.4
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 10.4lbs

Hamburger, Apple, Red Radishes, Melba Toast
Shrimp, Apple, Cucumber, Grissini Breadstick

Meds Taken:
HCG, Adderall

Day 5 ~ Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Weight loss: 3.6lbs
Total Weight loss from start weight: 2.8
Today’s Weight:    233.6  
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8
Total Weight loss from Day 3: 5.4lbs

Notes for the Day:
Felt great all day. Had a headache for about an hour, went away after I saw Dr. Cough (chiro).
White Fish, Strawberries, Red Radishes, grissini Breadstick
Chicken, Orange, Celery
Meds Taken: HCG, Adderall XR 20mg (my prescription)

Day 4 ~ Monday, April 18, 2011:

Daily Weight loss: 4.6 Lbs
Today’s Weight:    237.2  
Start Weight: 236.4
Gorge Weight from Day 3: 241.8

Notes for the Day:
Period Started 7-10 days early. Woke with bad headache. Took HCG at 7:30am. Went back to bed til 9am. Lost 1.4lbs in 1 ½ hours. Still bad headache, Drank water. Drank Green Tree. Took 3 Aspirin. Real sick to stomach, ate breadstick. Made Hot cocoa from unsweetened cocoa powder. Helped chocolate craving a lot. Headache eased. Went to class at 6pm. Bad backache.

Hamburger, Onion, ½ grapefruit, Grissini Breadstick, cocoa powder-unsweetened

Facebook posts I made:

Spring This was lunch today. Put peppercorn & sea salt on my burger & onions & grilled on my george foreman grill. Very yummy - especially dipped in the vinaigrette dsg I made (the honey mustard one...not so good). 1/2 grapefruit & lemon icy
Apple cobbler: 1 sliced apple, cinnamon, 1 packet stevia. Topping: 2 melba toast rounds (but we only had garlic flavored so we used 1 grissini bread stick), cinn. & stevia. Cook in microwave for 2 minutes. Equals 1 fruit & 1 starch.
Crunchy Chicken Salad, Apple Cobbler, Celery, Melba Toast

Meds Taken: HCG .5cc’s at 7:30am, 3:00pm, 9:30pm


Spring to HCG DIETERS facebook group:
On day 2 of 500 calorie diet & "aunt flo" stopped by for an unexpected, very early visit. What should I do? I have had a terrible headache all day & feel down right icky. "Aunt Flo" usually visits for 3 days. Should I stop HCG? Start over with gorge days, immediately after she leaves or now?? I reeeaallly want some chocolate!!! (I'm not hungry, just a chocolate mental case!)
  • Kellie Hang tough!!
    April 18 at 4:24pm · 

  • Spring  
    So, I made some hot chocolate with unsweetened cocoa (that is allowed) & that seemed to satisfy my chocolate craving and my headache has eased quite a bit. I also took my 2nd dose of hcg (an 1.5 hour later than usual). Comments on the hcg p...See More

    April 18 at 5:23pm ·  ·  1 person

  • Jasmyn  I sense a little bit of hostility! (: Hahahah (:
    April 18 at 6:12pm · 

  • Kellie Me too
    April 18 at 6:19pm · 

  • Spring Maybe 'cause it's that Time Of the Month! lol
    April 18 at 10:09pm · 

  • Stacey  I don't think hot chocolate is allowed until at least after the 500 calorie days. I don't think you can have it til the second section of maintenance. The only things you can drink on the 500 calorie is water , coffee or tea. Where did you see you could have the cocoa?
    April 18 at 10:09pm · 

  • Spring  HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide, page 93, Herbs and Spices, third of the way down. Cocoa (unsweetened). My can says only ingredient is cocoa & 1 tablespoon=10 calories.
    April 18 at 10:16pm · 

  • Spring  The recipe book"101 worry free HCG diet recipes" has lots of good drink & food recipes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the vinagrette (sp?) recipe. And who knew I could eat an entire onion and LOVE it? Book suggested sea salt & cooking the onion with your meat...DELICIOUS! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE my george foreman grill! (found it is easiest to clean when hot & using a paper towel to just wipe it off).
    April 18 at 10:22pm · 

  • Spring I felt GREAT the next day! Thought I would gain weight while on TOM, but still losing.
    April 21 at 9:16am

Diet Soda

  • Correct- The artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas are not allowed on P2. There are two types of sweeteners allowed on the HCG diet: stevia and saccharin. 

    Dr. Simeons (the physician who created the diet), formulated the diet as not only a weight loss method, but also as a sort of cleanse. In fact, in order to get the most benefit for your metabolism on the DIY HCG diet, you must stick EXACTLY to the approved foods. Otherwise, the chemicals in non HCG diet-approved foods could affect your metabolism as you try to reset your new lower weight and make it harder for you to maintain your weight loss. So it could affect your current weight loss and your ability to keep it off later. That said, we do not recommend it.
    about a week ago · Report
  • Sandy
    My doctor said that even the ones sweetened with stevia (like Zevia) should be avoided due to the carbonic acid that forms the carbonation. She said it is better to avoid all carbonation in order to maintain a more alkaline pH for the optimal loss.

Day 3 ~ Sunday, April 17, 2011:

Daily Weight Gain: 4.0lbs

Total Weight Gain: 5.4

Today’s Weight:    241.8  

Start Weight: 236.4

Notes for the Day:
Felt Clear headed. Starving at church, but think it was in my mind.

Peppermint Tea, Water

Strawberry Chicken Salad
Strawberry Lemonade
Grissini Breadstick
Spinach, raw 2c

Beef Roast, Onion, Apple, grissini breadstick
Lemon, T.milk

 Meds Taken: HCG .5cc’s


APRIL 15, 2011, Friday. Day 1
Morning Weight: 236.4 (236.4 will be referred to as starting weight on future posts)
Today I stopped taking my Crestor and my zoloft to start taking .5cc's (18drops) of Oral Homeopathic HCG.

Some of the things I ate: Tortilla chips & a dip made of sourcream, Bacon, eggs, Chedder & sour cream chips, Apple licorice, Chocolate covered raisins, Reeses pieces, Chicken stir-fry, Classic Coke, Cherry Pepsi, Chocolate Milk.

APRIL 16, 2011, Saturday. Day 2
Morning Weight: 237.8lbs
Gain since yesterday: 1.4lbs
In addition to some of the junk food leftover from yesterday, today I ate almost half of a canadian bacon & pineapple pizza family size with white sauce, Dr. Pepper, Marie Calendar's Pot Pie, Chocolate Milk. Took a painkiller for my back. I weighed myself at 8:44pm and I weighed 245lbs (13.8lb gain since 8am). I feel so sick of junk food I don't think I am ever going to want anymore!
Meds Taken: .5cc's or 18 drops of HCG under tongue
(ps-alot of these posts may be published on the same day - it is because I am going back and typing up what I put in my tracking journal, hopefully to catch up to "real time" soon.)


Day 2....I am so sick of junk food...I think thats one reason why you do it, so you have no desire whatsover to look at any junk food for months afterwards. I don't think we're going to be able to eat all of the "crap" we bought. Though Ethan & Grayson are participating on the 1st 2 days of the diet & will be the junk food clean up crew when Jasmyn & I start the 500 calories tomorrow! (Jasmyn is passed out in a sugar coma downstairs right now :)


Last night I did a test - I put 10 drops of hcg into a TB syringe and the amount only came up to .3 instead of the .5 that Dr. S recommends in his book. It took 18 drops to get to the .5. I also re-read the dosing section and its said most people feel good with .5cc, but some people have to do .6,.7 or .8. Just thought I would share that with you. 
Dr.Simeon's Manuscript "Pounds & Inches"
  • Spring
    Has anyone used Melaleuca products while on HCG? Toothpaste? Zap-it face wash? Body Satin Deodorant? Shampoo? Conditioner? Lip Balm? Renew lotion?
    about a month ago

  • Dodi
    Hey spring. I too love Melaleuca products. While on Phase 2 I have decided to use only their toothpaste. Because they all have tea tree oil, and from what I have researched, it is not compatible with phase 2. If I am wrong, please let me know!

Stevia Powdered Sweetener

SweetLeaf SteviaPlus Powdered Sweetener 
All Natural, 0 Calories
  • Contains 100% natural inulin fiber (FOS) and stevia (leaf) extract, and a minimum of 90% steviosides, including 40% rebaudioside A; certified Kosher
  • 100% fat, calorie, and carbohydrate free; contains no artificial sweeteners; 2 teaspoons equals the fiber of 1 bowl of cereal
  • Helps nourish friendly inteststinal bacteria and may improve gastrointestinal function and support for healthy liver function
  • Made from stevia leaves grown in Paraguay
Contains 70 Packets
1 Box - $8.29

Spring's Comment: 1 packet seems to go a long way. For two of us for 40 days (plus Maintenance phase) I ordered 3 boxes.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 Drops by Liquid Health
2500 mcg Dose - 5x Strength
Pure Vitamin B-12 based in ActivAloe® aloe vera juice and grapefruit seed extract in a 2500mcg power dose to maximize your body’s natural energy.
Brain Power - Vitamin B-12 is required for the proper function and development of the brain, nerves, blood cells, and many other parts of the body. B-12 is used by many to promote memory and concentration.

Contains 2.03 fl oz / 60 ml
Retail $11.99 Our Price - $7.95

Liquid Stevia $9.95 per 2oz bottle

Spring's Comment: I at first ordered only the Clear Stevia & the Lemon Drop but after using them in recipes from the recipe book, I decided to get a few more flavors. My little boys favorite is the Strawberry Lemonade and Orange Julius (1 orange, ice, Orange Valencia 5drops, Vanilla Creme 5 drops). They are yummy!

This is the cheapest site that I have been able to find (be careful some manufacturers put sugar in their stevia). Stevia in the stores runs over $12 each. Also, in very fine print on the bottle - which I missed for the first week it says to keep refrigerated to keep them fresher longer.

SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia
  • Contains 100% natural ingredients, including purified water and stevia extract, 100% alcohol and chemical free. Contains no artificial sweeteners
  • 100% fat, calorie, and carbohydrate free; zero glycemic index
  • Ideal for cooking and baking
  • Made from stevia leaves grown in Paraguay
  • Great for the hCG protocol diet.
Flavors: Plain(Clear), Cinnamon, Chocolate, Peppermint, Grape, Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Drop, Root Beer, Vanilla Creme, Valencia Orange, English Toffee
Contains 2 fl. oz.
1 Bottle - $9.95


All about hCG Homeopathic Oral Drops

hCG Homeopathic Physician Grade Oral Drops
6x, 12x, 30x, 60x Dilution Ratios

Homeopathic hCG and Injections are NOT the same. Injections have been around for over 50 years and are commonly used in clinics. The down side about the injections is that they are expensive and must be prescribed by a doctor if ordered in the US. Foreign companies target injections and are illegal to import into the US. Do not mail order these. On the other hand, around 2008, the homeopathic version was introduced to the US. This provides a cheap and legal way to order hCG drops to be used with the diet. Homeopathic drops are not 100% pure hCG like most injections are. The good news is the they work the same as injections do and follow the same diet protocol. We are 100% positive that these work, as we have over 25,000 clients using them in the US. Don't be talked out of your money by people who are loyal or only sell hCG injections. Homeopathic drops are just as good. Please read what homeopathic is below in order to understand this.

What is hCG? 
hCG is a natural water-based hormone present in both men and women, although it is produced in great amounts in pregnant females. hCG products can safely be used by both males and females who are looking to get their weight under control. The hCG hormone kicks up the metabolism, thus signaling the body to burn more fat. Following the hCG diet protocol your metabolism will operate over 30%--a much more efficient level to burn, rather than store. In other diets the metabolism is not changed, and while following the diet, the metabolism will continue to run at the same rate, which for most of us dieters, has been found to be at only 8%. hCG opens only the excess fat cells, allowing excess fat to be burned. At no other time in the human body does this happen, so other diets often remove fat cells that the body needs, causing us initially to lose in places we don't want to, and then, finally where you need it. hCG burns the excess fat cells utilizing the needed fat, and literally sculpting the body, losing inches as well as pounds. (Read Dr.Simeons Manuscript "Pounds and Inches" for more detailed and clinical explanation.) http://www.poundsandinchesaway.com/dr-simeons-manuscript-download/

Other Clinical Uses for HCG 
hCG is used clinically to both induce ovulation and treat certain ovarian disorders in women. In men, hCG is utilized to stimulate the testes in hypogonadal men (men who are not producing testosterone). It has also shown promise in the treatment of undescended testicles in young males.

In an indirect way via the anterior pituitary, hCG regulates menstruation and facilitates conception, but it never virilizes a woman or feminizes a man. It neither makes men grow breasts nor does it interfere with their virility, though where this was deficient it may improve it. It never makes women grow a beard or develop a gruff voice.

The hCG Weight Loss Protocol 
The hCG treatment consists of a very low calorie diet (VLCD) in combination with hCG hormone treatments. During the 23 days (or 40) of treatment, you regularly take a small amount of hCG into your body. Be aware that the hCG itself does not cause weight loss, it just modifies your eating behavior. This will make it possible to maintain the diet. hCG helps to burn the “mobile fat” (abnormal fat), that is the fat that is stored around the hips, thighs, belly and upper arms. It will however leave the so called “structural fat” that can be found in the muscles and which protects the organs, untouched. This way the excess fat will disappear even faster. The problem areas will be dealt with more efficiently in this way of losing weight.

Homeopathic hCG
  • No syringes or needles
  • No pharmaceutical drugs
  • No prescriptions or physician's consult
  • No blood tests
  • No hidden narcotics such as phentermine
  • No expensive injectable programs
  • No refrigeration necessary
  • Simply a few drops under the tongue (sub-lingual)
What is Homeopathy? 
The first basic principles of homeopathy were formulated by a brilliant doctor by the name of Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700's. The term “homeopathy” is derived from the Greek words homeo (similar) and pathos (suffering or disease). Homeopathy is based on the idea that large doses of a substance cause a symptom, while very small doses of that same substance will cure it. It works on the principle of “like cures like.” (i.e. A substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those same symptoms in illness.) For example, one remedy which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffee, a remedy made from coffee. It is difficult to explain exactly how homeopathy works, but what we do know is that a carefully selected homeopathic remedy acts as a trigger to the body's own healing processes.

Are Homeopathic remedies safe? 
Homeopathic remedies are a unique, potentised energy medicine, drawn from the plant, mineral and animal worlds. They are diluted to such a degree that not one molecule of the original substance can be detected. They work by gently boosting the natural energy of the body, and are very safe, even for pregnant and sensitive patients. There is no danger of addiction or toxicity. 

Homeopathy can be safely used alongside most conventional medicines. If they are so dilute, how can they work? Homeopathic remedies are made from substances diluted thousands of times in water or alcohol. Between each dilution, the liquid is shaken vigorously. For example, a one-to-one-hundred dilution means that one drop of a plant extract is placed in 100 drops of water or alcohol. After lengthy shaking, one drop of the new solution is mixed with another 100 drops of water. This mixture is shaken vigorously, and then one drop is taken from it and added to another 100 drops of liquid, and so on. This process is repeated as many as 30, 50, or more times. Dilutions are made up to either 1 part tincture to 10 parts water (1x) or 1 part tincture to 100 parts water (1c). Repeated dilution results in the familiar 6x, 6c or 30c potencies that can be bought over the counter: the 30c represents an infinitessimal part of the original substance.

Does diluting the substance make it less potent? Explain what the 6x, 12x, 30x 60x Means? 
With the minimum dose, or law of infinitesimals, Hahnemann believed that a substance's strength and effectiveness increased the more it was diluted. Minuscule doses were prepared by repeatedly diluting the active ingredient by factors of 10. A “6X” preparation (the X is the Roman numeral for 10) is a 1-to-10 dilution repeated six times, leaving the active ingredient as one part per million. Essential to the process of increasing potency while decreasing the actual amount of the active ingredient is vigorous shaking after each dilution. Some homeopathic remedies are so dilute, no molecules of the healing substance remain. Even with sophisticated technology now available, analytical chemists may find it difficult or impossible to identify any active ingredient. But the homeopathic belief is that the substance has left its imprint or a spirit-like essence that stimulates the body to heal itself.

The reason most commonly offered today by homeopathic proponents is the remedy's solution has a “memory” of the original substance. What is this memory? Homeopaths say it is electromagnetic waves of the active ingredient it once contained. They say that vigorous shakings between each dilution make this memory possible.

Spring ordered her hCG from here:

hCG Oral Diet Drops Homeopathic (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Dr. Simeons hCG Diet Protocol has Helped Many People Lose Weight!*
This Offer Only Good for First Time Customer Orders! 
Mention Google hCG Special Sale on Phone
My hCG Source's Professional grade hCG drops are used by many homeopathic doctors and clinics across the country and are made with only high quality ingredients in an FDA approved lab in the United States of America. They are registered with the FDA via an NDC (National Drug Catalog) code. The lab uses the approved GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) protocols in manufacturing. OurhCG drops have a 5 year shelf life and do not need to be refrigerated. Avoid high heat, over 80 degrees for periods of time in excess of 48 hours and direct sunlight.

hCG Oral Drops 2oz - 40 Day Supply

hCG Diet DropsSAVE 50% OFF TODAY!
- Limited Time Offer-
2 oz. Professional Grade hCG Drops 40 Day Supply - U.S. Made

No Refrigeration or Mixing Required
hCG Diet Instructions Included
Normal Price $39.95
Todays Price $19.95
Buy More and Save More
Qty 2+ $18.95 ea. 4+ $17.95 ea 

 Directions for Use: Take 17-18 drops (.5cc’s) 30 minutes before meals three times daily or as your doctor prescribes. 
Using hCG Oral Drops Without Follow Dr. Simeons hCG Diet Protocol does NOT result in any Weight Loss. 
Proudly Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Active Ingredients: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 6X, 12X, 30X, 60X.
Inactive Ingredients: U.S.P. Ethanol Alcohol 16%.